martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010

Mandriva 2010.2 announced!

These cold winds have brought some good news for Mandriva users: Mandriva will release version 2010.2 of the distribution as a Christmas present.

They claim this release will polish 2010.1 Spring (Farman) and will fix certain issues. Additionally, the company announced the schedule for the development of Mandriva 2011 (to be released during the end of May, 2011) and changed the two-release cycle to only one per year.

As Mandriva is my favorite Linux distribution, I can hardly wait to test Mandriva 2010.2. Of course, I'm also supporting the Mageia project and will settle for the one I find the most useful.

3 comentarios:

  1. Don't install Mandriva! Mandriva killed my system! hahaha!

    My netbook now runs Mepis 8.0, Mepis 8.5 and Mandriva Adelie (because I misplaced my Farman CD). Oh, it also has XP but I don't count it because my computer never runs it! :P

    I am also waiting for le debout de Mageia. Any idea of release schedules?

  2. The mail lists are literally buzzing with activity. They are discussing logos, artwork, and KDE implementation now.
    No dates so far.

  3. Right my friend ...Mandriva is the "distro" that i love...Now One Spring 2010.1 runs in a ASUS series A6000 and runs fine....Me too i'm waiting for Mageia.
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