jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2011

Happy Birthday, Eimi!

I'm taking a break from the world of computers to post something different today. Eimi, my daughter, is celebrating her first birthday!
One year! Wow, time surely flies!

She is learning to talk...I hope she will learn several languages (Spanish, English, Japanese, French and all the Thai her uncle can teach her).

Oh, she loves to slam the keyboard of my computer as we watch videos...
Yes, she will also learn to respect other people and to value her freedom.

Happy birthday, Eimi!

6 comentarios:

  1. お誕生日おめでとうございます!!

  2. そういえば... 先生達にも, ちょっと遅いですけれど...先生達もお誕生日おめでとうございます!!

  3. @Fenrir

    This Eimi's response to your kind comment:
    kkkkkkkkk.............xznnnnnnnnnnncvxxxx x k,m <z, ·z. n ,µ mttj

  4. Cheers Eimi,
    "May the source be with you!"

  5. @ Walter Olegario,

    Thanks for your comment. I guess those are going to be Eimi's first words in English!

  6. Feliz cumpleaños, Eimi! สุขสันต์วันเกิด ^___^


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