viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013

When the walkin' gets tough, the Zen get walkin'

After a rather long hiatus, which made many Linux users uneasy, today I read the announcement that Zenwalk, the Slackware-based Linux distro, is back.

How could I forget a system that made me fail so miserably first, but taught me a great deal about Linux later?

Hyperion made the official announcement of Zenwalk 7.4 beta 1:


Zenwalk 7.4 BETA is ready for testing.

In this release you will find :

    LibreOffice 4.1.1
    Gimp 2.8.6
    XFCE 4.12GIT
    Thunderbird 24.1.0
    Firefox 25.0.1
    Kernel 3.10.20 with performance tweaks

Several applications of previous Zenwalks have been replaced : Mplayer is now the multimedia player (instead of Totem), Lxdm is the display manager (instead of GDM), Xfburn is the CD:DVD burner (instead of Brasero), Geeqie is now the image viewer.

Great!  Downloading time!!

14 Years?! Happy anniversary, Mandriva Chronicles!

 Yes, today is the 14th anniversary of this humble blog, which I created to register my experiences as a Linux user. What has changed since ...