After a rather long hiatus, which made many Linux users uneasy, today I read the announcement that Zenwalk, the Slackware-based Linux distro, is back.
How could I forget a system that made me fail so miserably first, but taught me a great deal about Linux later?
Hyperion made the official announcement of Zenwalk 7.4 beta 1:
Zenwalk 7.4 BETA is ready for testing.
In this release you will find :
- LibreOffice 4.1.1
Gimp 2.8.6
Thunderbird 24.1.0
Firefox 25.0.1
Kernel 3.10.20 with performance tweaks
Several applications of previous Zenwalks have been replaced : Mplayer is now the multimedia player (instead of Totem), Lxdm is the display manager (instead of GDM), Xfburn is the CD:DVD burner (instead of Brasero), Geeqie is now the image viewer.
Great! Downloading time!!